Week 8 Summary:

Week 8 was about forming our groups for the upcoming radio show project and doing daily creates that challenged our mental creativity. My favorite daily create of the week was getting to colorize a photo in pimpin’ purple using canva, it was harder than I expected and I couldn’t find the car I was looking for but I was able to find something similar. I also really enjoyed the daily create in which we were questioned on what we would want named after us. It made me think about what type of legacy I want to leave on the world and if I would ever be able to do something great enough to join the having something named after me club. The last daily create was fun and simple as I found a picture on X (formally Twitter) that honored pi day in a creative way by baking a pie outlined with the numerical value of pi surrounding the outer rim. I look forward to finishing strong and getting started with the group project, right now we’re working on the beginning phases like scheduling and contact methods.

Daily creates:

Daily create number 1: which was inspired by a Kurt Vonnegut tweet that questioned us on what we would want named after us giving the example of shrapnel being invited by a Englishman with the same name. This reminded my of Henry Ford and his major effect on car industry, with that in mind I decided to take a pinch of his success and would take over dodge and have it named after me.

Daily create number 2: challenged us to pick a color from a list that appeals to us and colorize a photo with it. I decided to do pimpin’ purple and customize a car with it as it reminded me of the character a ‘a pimp named slicked back’ from the boondocks a popular show.

Daily create number 3: The final daily create I did for the week was to honor Pie day (3.14…) and for this post I found a pie someone either created using A.i or baked in honor of pie day on X.

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