Second Week Summary

This week was a busy week to say the least to be honest I opened the course pretty late into the week and fell behind with the daily creates, now that I understand the flow of the course and see you need to be checking deadlines everyday and being prepared earlier sooner than later I will be prepare for next week, to compensate I will do my remaining daily crates this weekend for the course purpose. For the daily creates I did complete, they were interesting. Thursday’s birthday celebration(happy 14th ds106 radio)brought back good childhood memories of being in the car with my family and hearing that birthday song on the radio. The other create I was able to get done was the one from today which was creating a poem with emojis with and I attempted to be creative with my approach and instead of making a custom poem like everyone else I decided to go with the itzy bitzy spider to see if anyone would make the connection. I did see the shadow daily create on Wednesday but sadly it was too dark by the time I realized. 

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